30-Day Challenge: WEEK 2
Up Your Healthy Game
Theodore Roosevelt once said “comparison is the thief of joy,” and he may have been on to something. It seems like by the first week of January, everyone is hitting the gym, going on 5 a.m. runs, or signing up for workout classes multiple nights a week. The pressure that comes from peers can create that deep–rooted belief that you’re not doing enough.
Instead of dwelling on how others are striving to stay in shape throughout the beginning of the year, strive to focus on you—even if that means simply going on walks during your lunch break or trying a beginner’s yoga class. Or maybe it’s finally signing up for that spring marathon or pushing yourself to bench a higher weight.
Whatever your fitness goals may be, big or small, approach them wholeheartedly and commit to bettering your health.
Week 2
Making Healthy Habits
- Day 8 – Aim to do a 15-minute workout.
- Day 9 – Focus on working out your arms.
- Day 10 – Focus on working out your legs.
- Day 11 – Do an abdomen-centered workout.
- Day 12 – Aim to walk 10,000 steps by the end of the day.
- Day 13 – Make all homemade meals.
- Day 14 – Skip the caffeine, and start the morning with lemon water or green juice.
Up Next:
Weeks 3 + 4: Happiness
and Mental Wellness
Reach for the stars this New Year, and help loved ones do the same by sharing these tips on social media.
Posted in Article, January 2018 on Nov 02, 2017