Games Galore
Water Games
When the weather gets warmer, there's no more exciting way to beat the heat than with water games. Best of all, all you need are basics like water, water balloons, plastic cups, a sponge, and T-shirts to create hours of outdoor enjoyment!
Water Balloon Squat Relay
A fast-paced team game that combines the speed of a relay race with the fun of water balloons.
How to play: Two or more teams line up. The first member of each team grabs a water balloon and runs to the finish line, sitting on the water balloon to pop it. Then they run back to the starting line and tag the next teammate, who then repeats the relay. (Keep in mind that if the balloon pops before a player sits on it at the finish line, he or she must go back and start over.) The first team with all players to finish wins!
Plug the Leak
This game is sure to have the entire family in a fit of laughter. There’s no graceful way to do this one—which is half the fun!
How to play: Players fill a plastic cup (with a hole in the bottom) from a bucket of water and place it on top of their heads to try to plug the leak. They then race to an empty bucket at the finish line and pour the water into it. Once both teams have finished, the team with the most water in its bucket wins!
Duck, Duck, Splash!
Kids will especially enjoy this wet and wild backyard twist on the playground classic.
How to play: The game is played just like Duck, Duck, Goose—except you wring a water-soaked sponge out on the chosen person’s head.
Defrost the T-shirt
Another game to keep the entire family in stitches with laughter—and stay cool in the process!
How to play: Soak, fold, and freeze one T-shirt for each player. (Tip: When freezing folded shirts, lay them flat and stack them in the freezer, with layers of wax paper in between each shirt). Once frozen, pass out a T-shirt to each person. The first person to get his or her shirt melted and put on wins!
For more tips and tricks to beat the heat, visit americanlifestylemag.com/summer.
Posted in Article, Issue 83 Vol 1 on Mar 08, 2017