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Going Green
Feta and Pea Tendril Omelette

written by jeanine donofrio photography by jack mathews
The Love & Lemons Cookbook

Feta and Pea Tendril Omelette

My husband, Jack, will eat any type of food under the sun with the exception of three things: beets, grapefruit, and peas. Every time I so much as mention these things, all I hear about is Miss Theresa and the mushy peas she forced him to eat in preschool. To be honest, I love the challenge of sneaking these foods in—at first, I blended peas into pesto, and he didn’t even notice. After my secret was out, I realized I could put them in anything as long as it just tasted good.

  • 4 large eggs
  • Extra-virgin olive oil, for drizzling
  • ⅓ cup pea tendrils, lightly torn
  • 2 tablespoons crumbled feta cheese
  • 2 tablespoons cooked peas (blanched 1 minute if fresh; thawed if frozen)
  • ½ avocado, diced
  • Pinch of red pepper flakes
  • Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper

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  1. In a medium bowl, whisk the eggs together with a pinch of salt.
  2. In a small skillet, heat a drizzle of olive oil over medium heat. Pour half of the eggs into the skillet, and use a rubber spatula to gently push the cooked portion of the eggs toward the center. Lift and tilt the pan gently to swirl the eggs so they cook in an even layer.
  3. Once the center is no longer runny, add half of each filling ingredient: pea tendrils, feta cheese, peas, avocado, and a pinch of red pepper flakes. Using a spatula, carefully fold the omelette in half, and transfer to a plate. Season with salt and pepper.
  4. Repeat, making a second omelette with the remaining ingredients.
NOTE: Delicate pea tendrils, also known as pea shoots, aren’t usually found at a grocery store. Look for them at your farmers market at the beginning of spring.


Posted in Issue 81 Vol 1, Recipe on Dec 05, 2016