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Choose The Right Types of Goals

written by alexa bricker

If you start the New Year by saying, “I’m going to make a million dollars come December” or “I’ll lose fifty pounds this month,” you’ll likely be disappointed. Understanding how to set up a resolution that you can follow is tricky, but with a little forethought, there’s nothing holding you back from a happy, healthy year!

Get specific. Setting broad goals, such as “I want to lose weight” or “I want to learn a new hobby,” won’t start you off on the right foot. Your resolution should be simple and attainable for you.

Make it measurable. You should be able to track your progress for every goal you set, and make sure that you have specific criteria and a plan for doing so. Try to list at least two ways you can quantify your success.

Be realistic. There’s no way to get your pilot’s license in two weeks or travel to every continent in a month. Think of big goals like this in the long term, and stick to small, achievable goals in the meantime.

Make it personal. Don’t set a goal simply because someone else suggested it or because you were asked to take part in the resolution. Your goals should be personal to you and something that you actually need or want to see happen for you.

Manage your time. Help yourself achieve your goals faster and more successfully by setting clear times for reaching them. This is not to say you need a minute-by-minute outline, but choosing a date or rough estimate for when you can accomplish your resolution is key.

For more helpful resolution tips and New Year's solutions, visit

Posted in Article, Issue 81 Vol 1 on Dec 05, 2016