Fall-to-Spring Floral Success
October is here, so naturally our thoughts turn to pumpkins, apple cider, candy, and … flowers?
That’s right. Spring may be on the opposite end of the calendar, but now is the time to get your flower garden ready for spring. Use these suggestions to help ensure that, once winter is over, your spring blooms are as bright and brilliant as ever.
Color can make a world of difference when it comes to curb appeal, and one of the best ways to make your yard pop is to have a garden full of gorgeous blooms.
Mother Nature may do most of the work, but by measuring and mulching properly, you can give her a big helping hand with your flowers.
Much like we do, animals plan ahead for winter—often at the expense of your garden. Keep the critters away safely with these tips.
Share these autumn flower-planting tips with friends and family to help their spring blooms burst.
Up Next:
Garden Variety Ideas
Posted in October 2020 on Aug 02, 2020