Warm Your Winter Spirit
Feel Better with Fitness
We know, we know. You don’t need another article explaining why the New Year is the best time to get fit. So we won’t. The New Year isn’t the best time to make your wellness a priority, actually—the best time is whenever you’re ready.
According to the Mayo Clinic, the good news is that by getting active, even for just fifteen minutes each day, you can give your brain an energy boost of feel-good serotonin—a neurotransmitter that, for some, can drop particularly low during winter.
Fitness is about you and only you, so it’s important not to let the pressure of everyone else’s resolutions interfere with your own. Here are some steps to take to improve your health-and-fitness routine in a way that’s tailored to you.
Fuel up. Your workout won’t mean a thing without proper hydration and nutrition. But a healthy eating plan that works for your friend might not work for you. First, establish your goals. Do you want to lose weight, maintain weight, or gain weight? Maybe you want to build muscle mass? Once you’ve figured out your end goal, you can determine how to get there. A caloric deficit or surplus can help you lose or gain weight; weight lifting and a high-protein diet can help you build muscle. Fitness is not always that cut and dry, but, by setting up a plan with reasonable goals, you are much more likely to see results over time and, therefore, stick with it.
Treat yourself. No, we don’t mean to those leftover holiday cookies (even though one won’t hurt you). We’re talking about treating yourself to an easier workout by incorporating small, positive reinforcements. If your favorite playlist doesn’t cut it when it comes to pushing you through your workout, try watching your favorite TV show instead—you’ll be shocked by how fast thirty minutes goes by. Or try rewarding yourself with something on your wish list every time you hit a new goal, be it new workout clothes, a trip to the movies, etc.
Find balance. It’s the classic case of doing too much too soon. When you completely cut yourself off from the things you enjoy in order to stick to your routine, you’re much more likely to give up. If you’re the type of person who needs an after-dinner treat, don’t try and conceal your sweet tooth. Rather, opt for an equally sweet, healthier option, like fruit and yogurt or apples and peanut butter. When you finally find the balance you deserve, fitness will be just a small part of your life, not all-consuming.
Up Next:
Prioritize to Organize
Help your friends and family feel better about fitness this season by sharing these tips on social media.
Posted in January 2019 on Nov 01, 2018