Keeping Busy in Winter
Beating Winter Break Boredom
If your kids have a long winter break, you know it can be tough to keep them from spending those weeks lying on the sofa or glued to the computer screen. But to keep productivity high come spring semester, you'll need to make sure their brains stay alert, even if they'd prefer to sleep in until noon.
Places like soup kitchens and homeless shelters can use all the help they can get—especially during the winter months, when colder weather creates a spike in visitors. Or consider bringing a baked good or offering a hand to a neighbor in need.
Most kids love to help in the kitchen, especially if it means they get a yummy treat to enjoy when all is said and done. Trying out a new recipe is a great way to spend a snowed–in afternoon and is an opportunity to keep your child brushed up on their math skills by way of measuring!
Crafty kids won't be able to resist the urge to color, paint, cut, and otherwise get their hands into a new project. If the craft will take longer than one afternoon to complete, try starting it at the beginning of the break and spacing it out into multiple days. They'll love to see how far they’ve come before heading back to school.
You don't need a swimming pool or basketball court to let kids release some of their energy. Even if you're stuck inside, try to come up with a new game that will keep their minds sharp and their bodies moving. Or try this tried–and–true game idea!
Painter's Tape Tic–Tac–Toe
Painter's tape is no longer just for preventing paint bleed—it's a fun and easy way to transform your home into a child's wonderland!

Note: When using painter’s tape, use a kind that is made for delicate surfaces, and test the tape on an inconspicuous area to make sure it doesn’t damage the flooring.
- Painter's tape
- Bean bags (2 different colors)
- On a hard surface, lay down long strips of painter's tape (to form a tic–tac–toe board, make two parallel lines and two horizontal).
- Take turns tossing the bean bags to land in one of the square spaces. Whoever is first to get three of their bean bags in a row wins!
No matter what your child's interest, making winter break a fun and memorable experience isn't hard with these boredom–busting ideas.
For more kid-friendly indoor activies, visit americanlifestylemag.com/backtoschool.
Up Next:
Winter Weather Warrior
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Posted in Article, How-To, January 2018 on Nov 02, 2017