A Blooming Smile
Zen It Out with These Essential Oils
For thousands of years, essential oils have been used as a healing method. This holistic approach has evolved, but the healing belief behind essential oils remains the same. When stress, lack of sleep, or life in general gets the better of you, a few drops of a specific essential oil might just do the trick.
A diffuser is all you need to embrace the essential oil way of life. A cure-all at the pharmacy doesn’t exist, but these oils may be all it takes to treat certain ailments!
Sick no more. Have a case of the sniffles? Lemon, oregano, and peppermint oils all possess properties to help maintain a healthy immune system and fend off common sicknesses. But if oregano oil is what you reach for, be sure to keep your furry friends in mind, as this oil can be harmful to pets. Frankincense is also a popular oil used for the common cold or even for more intense symptoms. It is shown to help with a bad cough and common aches and pains that typically come with being sick. Putting a few drops into a diffuser will give your immune system a much-needed boost.
What allergies? When spring rolls around, allergies tend to come knocking on your door like clockwork. Allergies can make you feel groggy and drained, but basil, tea tree, and eucalyptus oils are great for combating common symptoms. Put a couple drops of one in a diffuser, and feel that pesky cough and stuffy nose leave your system. Be wary of tea tree oils around cats, though, as the polyphenolic compounds in the tea tree oil can be damaging to them.
Say goodbye to stress. EAnxiety is a burden on many of us—preventing us from enjoying life and putting in as much effort into our day as possible. Chamomile, rose, lavender, and frankincense oils work wonders on nerves to help keep you relaxed, which is something we could all use a little more of.
Find your focus. Whether we're at work, at school, or at home, we all have days when motivation is hard to come by. And nothing is more frustrating than needing to accomplish a difficult task but not having the ability to clear your mind and get the job done. Fortunately, peppermint, pine, and eucalyptus oils can help hone your focus for whatever it is you set out to do at the beginning of your day or week.
Sleep more soundly. Getting a sufficient night’s rest is one of the best things you can do for your health, but with a busy schedule, it can be difficult to get a full eight hours. Lavender, ylang-ylang, and vetiver oils create a calming atmosphere to help you doze off peacefully. They also assist in helping you achieve a deeper night’s sleep. Go to bed on time and wake up well-rested by incorporating these oils into your life.
Buzz off, bugs. Bugs are a pain at picnics, but for some of us, they can also cause serious problems like allergic reactions. Rosemary, cedarwood, and clove oils are unattractive to pesky critters and can help you enjoy your time outdoors. Whether you’re at your family reunion, community affair, or neighborhood block party, keep the diffuser handy for a bug-free good time.
Sleep peacefully, leave the stress behind, and reap more rewards from embracing the might of essential oils this spring!
Thank You
Posted in April 2018, Article on Jan 22, 2018