Keeping Busy in Winter
A Case of the Winter Blues
When the last of the presents are unwrapped and the leftovers are eaten, it seems like the weeks and months that follow the holidays are a little, well, underwhelming. Unless you have a big trip planned or live in a part of the country that doesn't experience the blustery cold of January and February, winter can be a pretty bleak season.
The lack of excitement, chilly temps, and shorter days during these months can be responsible for an overall feeling of sadness, known as seasonal affective disorder, which a large number of people experience.
So how can you combat the winter blues? Staying active and engaging in activities you enjoy are great ways to make the season go by quickly—and may even get you to start up that new hobby or home maintenance project you've been wanting to tackle.
Up Next:
Beating Winter Break Boredom
Winter got you down? Stave off your seasonal boredom—and show family and friends how, too!
Posted in Hub, January 2018 on Nov 02, 2017