Camp It Up!
Camping has been woven into the fabric of America from the time our country was formed. However, it didn’t become a get-back-to-nature hobby until the early 1860s, when the Gunnery, a school in Washington, Connecticut, first organized a two-week wilderness trek for its students.
Today, even with the omnipresence of technology, people are camping more than ever. According to the Kampgrounds of America 2017 North American Camping Report, over 37 million households went camping in 2016, and more than 60 percent of American households include a person who camps.
Get in on the outdoor fun by taking your own camping adventure! When you do, make sure to use these practical food hacks to minimize stress, maximize your enjoyment, and make your adventure even more memorable.
Posted in Hub, Issue 84 Vol 2 on Jun 20, 2017