A Guide to
Family Movie Night

written by matt brady

When it comes to family, it often can be challenging to find activities that everyone can enjoy together. Age differences, different interests, busy schedules, and a host of distractions (mostly electronic) can sabotage the precious time that family members spend together.

But it’s well worth the effort to create those moments. Countless studies show that children benefit the most from shared family time—they are usually happier and healthier, for example—but the overall family dynamic benefits as well, as there’s better communication, more openness and trust, and stronger family bonds.

One of the easiest ways to carve out family activities, especially during summertime, is to have a family movie night! Here’s all you have to do to pack the (home) theater:

  Make it a weekly or monthly event.

This will ensure that you’re being entertained together on a regular basis. Plus, family members, starting with the kids, can alternate making the movie choice. This will provide a sense of ownership and inclusion for everyone.

  Go all out.

You can’t go to the movies without tickets, right? Make your own tickets and movie sign ahead of time to give the event an added air of importance.

Don’t forget to download these printable movie tickets and showtime sign to recreate a real movie theater experience!

  Do research.

Making your movie night a production also allows you to know which movie is being chosen ahead of time. Take advantage of this to look up the movie to guarantee that it’s appropriate for all family members.

  Eat up!

Sure, you can pop some popcorn or make some pizza for your movie. But you can also make the homemade treats that follow to make movie night even more memorable!

Poll: What's your favorite movie snack?
  Talk about it.

After the credits roll, make sure everybody sticks around to talk about the movie—the good, the bad, and everyone’s favorite parts. It’s a built-in opportunity for family interaction, but it can also be a teaching moment if kids are confused by or upset about any scenes they saw. Plus, it’s a chance to start planning the next family movie night!

Host your own family movie night, and snap a photo of the fun to share on social media with the hashtag #ALMcreate.

You could always use more family-night activities and treat ideas!

Posted in Article, Issue 83 Vol 2 on Apr 04, 2017