Leaps and Bounds
It’s 2020, and you know what that means—it’s a leap year!
Why get all worked up about an extra day? Because, in the grand scheme of things, it brings order to our universe yet chaos to many individuals, and it’s a spark during an otherwise mundane time of year. Once you get a sense of how it came to be, why it was necessary, and the many ways people enjoy it, you’ll learn to love leap years!
Have you ever wondered why we need an extra day every four years—and who decided to act on it? Discover the centuries-old history of leap year.
What chance do you have of being born on leap day? How did the day affect marriage? What’s a leaper? Find out these answers and more!
In many places across the country and around the world, people look forward to leap day. Join in the celebration with these ideas.
Get friends and family excited about the end of February by sharing this leap year article.
Up Next:
Behind the Twenty-Nine
Posted in February 2020 on Dec 04, 2019