It’s a Pizza Party!
Pizza Fun Facts
More than anything, pizza is a fun dish. It’s piping hot with a heavenly blend of sauce and cheese, you use your hands to eat it, and it can be a glorious mess. Plus, it creates endless, good-natured debates about eating etiquette: fold it or not? Eat the crust or leave it behind? Use a fork and knife? What other meal can offer all that?
In honor of October being National Pizza Month, here are eight slices of pizza trivia to chew on. (Answers below.)
In which Italian city did pizza originate?
What's the most popular pizza topping in America?
How many slices of pizza do Americans eat every second?
What percentage of the US population is estimated to eat pizza on any given day?
How many slices will the average American eat in his or her lifetime?
Which country eats the most pizza per person?
What makes pizza in Scotland unique?
According to legend, why were the original Margherita pizza ingredients (tomato, mozzarella, and basil) significant?
- Answers
- Naples
- Pepperoni
- 350 slices
- 13 percent
- 6,000
- Norway
- The country offers it ... wait for it ... deep-fried.
- They represented the colors of the Italian flag.
Posted in October 2020 on Aug 02, 2020