Winter Movie Mania
A night indoors is just what the doctor ordered this winter. Don't know how movies came to be? Expand your knowledge about the innovation of movies, from the first motion picture in 1832 to computer-generated features in the 1990s and 2000s. A lot has changed thanks to advances in technology, which for motion pictures meant advances in motion, color, 3-D, and more. Whether you're a self-proclaimed movie junkie or not, you're about to fall in love with the world of cinema.
Once you've learned about how movies today came to be, take our film-centric quiz that will tell you more about your movie personality. Do your character traits align more with romantic comedies or old classics? Or maybe you relate more to adventure enthusiasts. Find out with this quick and fun quiz that you can easily pass along to your guests for an activity anyone can enjoy.
While going to the movies is a fun treat every now and then, it can quickly get expensive and tedious in the winter season—whether it's because of the frightful weather or simply because you don't have the time. Skip the theater and instead create your own in-home movie experience. You'll soon realize that nothing beats creating a cozy ambience for family and friends right at home.
Don't forget about the snacks—undoubtedly the best part of any party. Switch up the usual microwaved popcorn with our tips and recipes that'll be the hit of your movie soirée.

The Progress of Motion Pictures

What Movie Personality
Type Are You?

Create Your Own
In-Home Movie Magic

Pop the Corn and Roll the Film
With everything you need to host a memorable movie night, this season is bound to be your new favorite time of year!
Up Next:
The Progress of
Motion Pictures
Are you a movie buff? Share the movie love with friends and family on social media.
Posted in February 2018, Hub on Nov 20, 2017