When the Bell Rings
For most American kids, the time has come again to pack up their bookbags and head back to school, and from grade school to high school to college, the fall brings a change from a carefree summer routine to a more rigid daily regimen.
Getting back into this routine is easier said than done, though, and can be stressful no matter your age. To help ease the anxiety, it’s important to be prepared—which might look a little different for each family and every age group.
You might not think young children would care much about getting organized before their return to school, and, while you might be right, staying organized can help simplify morning routines and reduce jitters—two things that they do care about. These organization hacks will help the whole family feel more prepared for the busy season ahead.
It can be a big challenge to get teenagers to stick to a routine, but things like getting enough sleep and eating a healthy breakfast are particularly important for this growing group. These strategies can make managing your adolescent’s morning a little bit easier—for everyone involved.
Though a parent’s job is never done, by the time your child heads off to college it will be their responsibility to take charge of their morning and make sure they don’t go to class on an empty stomach. Dorm room eating doesn’t have to be confined to microwave popcorn with these quick and simple recipes.
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ABC's of Organizing
Help the kids in your life get ready for the back-to-school season by sharing these helpful tips!
Posted in September 2018 on Jul 10, 2018